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Upgrade details for MEICET Pro-A (v1.1.9) unveiled!


Upgrade details for MEICET Pro-A (v1.1.9) unveiled!


MEICET Pro-A (v1.1.9) Software Update Log:

  • Added functionality to recommend products in reports.
  • Support for "Custom Chain Store Customers" to synchronize store maintenance with the administrator backend.
  • Optimized algorithm logic for different skin tones.
  • Added support for Italian, Turkish, and French languages.

Explanation of Software Function Updates:

  • Added the functionality to recommend products in reports.

Stores can now customize their preferences by enabling or disabling the product recommendation feature in the "Settings Center - Report Settings - Recommended Products" section. They can choose whether to display recommended products in the test reports.



  • Support for the synchronization of subsidiary stores for "Custom Chain Store Customers" can now be managed by administrators in the backend system.

Administrators of custom chain store customers can now maintain recommended products and symptom dialogues in the backend system. The maintained content can be synchronized to subsidiary stores, where they can be viewed. Subsidiary stores also have the option to independently manage their own relevant content.


  • Optimized algorithm logic for different skin tones.

By selecting the skin tone during customer creation, a more targeted analysis algorithm is utilized to further prevent analysis errors caused by differences in skin tones.


  • Add Italian, Turkish, and French.

Added Italian, Turkish, and French as system languages.


  • Update operation guide.

For both Android tablet and Windows PC, simply click online to update. Specific operations are as follows:

  • Navigate to the bottom navigation bar and select "Settings Center."
  • Click on "General Settings."
  • Select "Version Update."
  • Discover the new version, "v1.1.9."
  • Click "Update Now" to proceed.